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The Chinese partner institutions involved in BRESOV, the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences (ZAAS) and the Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (BAAFS) met for an internal China-side Project Kick-off meeting on August 28, 2018 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China. The meeting was led by Prof. Guojing Li, director of the Vegetable Institute of ZAAS. Dr. Huifang Yu (ZAAS), who attended the BRESOV Kick-off Meeting in Catania at the end of June, introduced the Chinese partners to the organisation and partner composition of the BRESOV project. The Chinese project team members discussed the research plan extensively and determined annual goals. In the end, Prof. Guojing Li emphasised that all participating units should pay full attention to this project, carry out work in accordance with the project work plan, strengthen international and domestic cooperation and ensure that all targets and tasks will be completed on time and with high quality.
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