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Demand for organic products in the European Union currently outstrips supply. Most of the varieties used in organic farming in Europe have not been specifically developed for solely organic farming systems. As the consumption of organically grown vegetables has been increasing, BRESOV will explore solutions for organic producers to be supplied with specific varieties for organic farming systems.
The overall aim of BRESOV is to improve the competitiveness of three of the most economically important vegetable crops, brassicas, beans and tomatoes, when grown in an organic production system. The project will meet the needs of organic producers, by fostering research to develop varieties suitable for organic production, considering the specific needs and objectives of organic agriculture such as enhanced genetic diversity, disease resistance or tolerance and adaptation to diverse local soil and climate conditions.
To discover more about the project, read the BRESOV position paper that was published in the European Seed Magazine in February 2019. Download the article here.
Read the online version of the article: https://european-seed.com/2019/02/breeding-for-resilient-efficient-and-sustainable-organic-vegetable-production-bresov/
Link to European Seed Magazine (Vol. 6 Issue 1): https://european-seed.com/docs/books/volume-6/issue-1/?page=1
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