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From June 25-27, 2018 the BRESOV consortium came together in Catania (Italy) to officially kick-off its project activities. The meeting was hosted by the BRESOV coordinator Prof. Ferdinando Branca and his team from the University of Catania.
After the official opening by the project coordinator, all 22 partner institutions involved in BRESOV introduced themselves outlining their group expertise, preliminary data and their planned work within the project. To ensure a successful project implementation, the work package leaders provided detailed information about the scientific work within BRESOV and discussed the next steps towards future planning.
Eurice is management partner in BRESOV and supports the coordinator in main aspects of project management as well as regarding strategic communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. As part of the Kick-off meeting, Eurice addressed key aspects of project management, contractual and administrative issues in order to inform the project partners about Horizon 2020 regulations and procedures and provided an overview of the ongoing and planned communication and dissemination activities.
As BRESOV aims to closely collaborate with other related Horizon 2020 initiatives in the field of organic plant breeding and farming, the coordinators of the LIVESEED project, Dr Monika Messmer and the ECOBREED project, Dr Vladimir Meglić attended the Kick-off meeting via video conference. During this joint session, the BRESOV consortium discussed with both coordinators potential interaction areas between the three Horizon 2020 projects.
The Kick-off meeting was concluded with a technical workshop entitled “Improving soil fertility and crop protection using microorganisms and natural bioactive compounds" which was organised by the BRESOV partner institution ITAKA in Vittoria, a beautiful city in the south of Sicily. At the end of the day, the BRESOV group visited ITAKA’s experimental station fields outside of Vittoria and got the opportunity to learn more about the production sites of Libretti, a leading Sicilian vegetable production and marketing company.
BRESOV has set out to improve the competitiveness of three important vegetable crops (broccoli, snap bean and tomato) in an organic and sustainable environment. BRESOV aims to create a pipeline for crop improvement that will accelerate the production of high-quality organic seeds for breeders and farmers around the world. The project involves 22 partner institutions from ten European countries as well as China, Tunisia and South Korea and is characterised by a multi-actor approach placing special emphasis on the input and needs of the breeding and farming sector.
BRESOV is funded with a total budget of € 5.96 million over the next four years by the European Commission’s current Research Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Another one million euros (in total) will come from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).
BRESOV consortium at its Kick-off meeting in Catania.
Setting the frame for the next 4 years – BRESOV partners discussing project work.
Technical workshop organised by project partner ITAKA.
BRESOV partners visiting ITAKA’s experimental station fields outside of Vittoria (Sicily).